The Pieper Foundation was created in order to assist families with financial difficulties whose pets require emergency veterinary care. Having served our local community for over 80 years, Pieper Veterinary understands all too well the monetary roadblocks that can occur with pets in a crisis – the Pieper Foundation will help support these low-income families so that their pets can receive the life-saving critical care they need.
If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail your donation to: Veterinary Care Foundation, 16550 NW 46th St., Morriston, FL 32668
To benefit Pieper patients, please include on the check: Pieper Veterinary, 730 Randolph Rd., Middletown, CT, 06457
Emergency medical care can be complicated.

Life-saving treatment can involve medications, sutures, bandages, intensive care monitoring, anesthesia, bloodwork, and surgeries – not to mention the time, care, and expertise required from our highly skilled critical care doctors and technicians. For many families with financial difficulties, being able to get their pet the treatment they need may be an impossible task. That is where your donations make a difference – thanks to the generosity of donors like you, these families in need are now able to afford these life-saving treatments and help their pet back on the road to recovery.

Your donations will assist in off-setting the cost of emergency care, allowing pets to receive the life-saving treatment they need, no matter what situation they’re coming from. If you choose to donate to the Pieper Foundation, you can take pride in knowing your donation is going towards saving the lives of beloved family pets.
In order to qualify for a Pieper Foundation grant:
- The pet must have a critical, life-threatening condition with a good prognosis if treated, and must receive regular wellness care (current on vaccinations, spayed and neutered, otherwise healthy).
- Clients must provide proof of residency, income and financial hardship.
Grant applications are approved on a case-by-case basis by a board of qualified veterinarians and directors.